The Young Rural Ambassador Award identifies and recognises the next generation of young leaders and seeks young rural adults that can demonstrate a strong commitment to the rural industry and who have a genuine interest and/or affiliation with their local Agricultural show movement.
- The Award is open to persons born in Australia or naturalised Australians permanently residing in Queensland.
- Entrants must be permanent residents of Australia who have resided in Queensland for a minimum of three (3) months immediately prior to nomination.
- Entrants must be aged 16 to under 19 years as at 1st July in the year of competition.
- The Award is open to both males and females.
- Immediate family members of affiliated Cairns Show Association committee and staff are eligible to enter provided they:
- Declare a pecuniary interest and; and
- Are not involved in any discussion regarding the result during the competition.
- Previous Winners of the Cairns Show Young Rural Ambassador are not eligible to enter again but are highly encouraged to enter the Rural Ambassador Awards.
- Agricultural interests and skills.
- Community involvement.
- Contribution to the Agricultural society: involvement, enthusiasm, versatility, ability to take and give direction, new ideas.
- Future goals.
- Interests / hobbies.
- Knowledge of local and general Rural issues.
- Possibility of long-term involvement in the Show Movement.
- Personal Achievements.
- Verbal communication skills.
- Be willing to assist on a Rural Sub-Committee.
Entrants must complete the following documents:
- Cairns Show Young Rural Ambassador Entry Form (located below);
- Entrants Questionnaire;
- A recent photograph (in high resolution electronic format);
- A cover letter; and
- A 2-minute video.
Those looking at applying should read the Conditions of Entry below to ensure every success of entry.
Please return all forms and videos to the Cairns Show Office via email at [email protected].
“For most of my life, my family and I have been involved in our local agricultural show, recognizing its importance in boosting the economy and bringing families together. Growing up… read more
“As I bid farewell, I reflect on the profound impact the Young Rural Ambassador Program has had on me. It opened my eyes to the myriad pathways agriculture offers and… read more
“I will cherish the YRA experience for a long time. From learning life skills such as public speaking and quick thinking to meeting some amazing people, and making connections and… read more
2025 Young Rural Ambassador:
Congratulations to all past and present participants, we look forward to seeing you grow into strong Agricultural Leaders!


Grace O’Kane
2024 | YRA

Maeve Lowe

Jacy Evans

Catherine English
2021 | 2020

Sophie MacKay

Alyssa McNamara

Jane Slater

Milly Martin
2024 | Runner-Up

2023 | Runner-Up

Sascha Micola von Fürstenrecht
2022 | Runner-Up

David Kilpatrick
2022 | Runner-Up

2021 | Runner-Up

Tasmyn Rigato
2020 | Runner-Up