Animal Sections
1-2 – Equestrian & Dressage
4-5 – Goats & Dairy Goats
6-8 – Stud Cattle, Prime Beef Cattle, Dairy Cattle
9 – Dogs
10 – Poultry
11 – Pigeons
12 – Caged Birds
13 – Cavies
Horticulture Sections
16 – Sugar Cane
17 – Apiculture
18 – Garden Produce
19 – Garden Produce Junior
20 – Fruit
21 – Fruit Junior
22 – Horticulture
Arts & Crafts Sections
23 – Indigenous Art
24 – Fibrecrafters
25 – Visual Arts
26 – Photography
27 – Arts & Crafts
28 – Home Economics
29 – Iced Cakes
31 – Woodwork
Kids Korner
15 – Scarecrow
19 – Garden Produce Junior
21 – Fruit Junior
25 – School Photography Competition
School Horticulture Grant
This Show is conducted subject to the rules of the Queensland Chamber of Agricultural Societies, the constitution and rules of this Society and any regulation which appears within the Schedule for individual sections of this Show.
Should there be any conflict between the rules of the Queensland Chamber of Agricultural Societies, the constitution and rules of this society and the regulations appearing in any schedule, the constitution, rules and regulations appearing in the schedule of this Society shall prevail.
Please visit Queensland Chamber of Agricultural Societies to view the rules and regulations.
All persons upon entering any class in this Schedule agree to indemnify the CAIRNS AGRICULTURAL PASTORAL AND MINING ASSOCIATION against liability for any accident, damage, loss or illness to any Exhibit, Exhibitor or Competitor and agree that all Competitions are under the complete and total control of the CAIRNS AGRICULTURAL PASTORAL AND MINING ASSOCIATION whose decision in all matters is final.
- Appoint a Chief Steward to each section as its representative in all matters. Failure to comply with lawful directions from appointed Stewards, Committee or Staff or use of verbal or physical abuse will result in Disciplinary Action which may include exclusion from further Competitions and/or the Cairns Show Grounds.
- Appoint Judges whose decisions are final and for which no verbal or written Communication will be accepted or entered into.
- Reserves the right to make any decisions, inclusions or changes to this Schedule including Conditions of Entry as it may deem fitting without further notice.
- By way of entering for this Competition exhibitors acknowledge that they are compliant with these Conditions.
A judge shall not have any information prior to or during judging at The Cairns Show other than what is provided by the Cairns Agricultural Pastoral and Mining Association.
Vice Presidents CANNOT compete in sections under their control.
- All animal(s) and bird(s) exhibitors must sign an Exhibit Health Declaration upon delivery of entry and must comply with the health requirements detailed in this document.
- Exhibit Health Declarations are available from the Show Office or Website
- All Veterinarian fees are the responsibility of the Owner of the animal. Cairns Show will not take responsibility for any veterinarian fees.
Please note conditions of entry into grounds
- No glass is to be brought onto the Grounds.
- All electrical leads must be tagged in accordance with the relevant industrial regulations.
- All dogs must be leashed.
The information provided by you in any application for membership or application to enter is used by the Cairns Show Association (CSA) to offer member services or to organise and conduct competitions at the Cairns Show.
By applying for membership or entering our competitions you consent to provide such details as your name, address and exhibit details.
Competition information may be made available to the media and included in CSA publications.
Your information will not be disclosed without your consent for any other purpose unless required by the law.
- Prize Money UNDER the value of $50 and Prize Certificated can be collected from the Show Office between 9am – 4pm, Monday to Friday, 4th August to 29th August.
- Prize Money OVER the value of $50 will be directly deposited to your account.
Please provide your bank account details on your entry form, alternatively, contact the Show Office. Ensure bank account details are correct.
- Entrants outside of the Cairns Region will be required to provide their bank account details if unable to collect winnings from the Show Office.
- Proof of identity is required to collect Prize Money.
If you are collecting Prize Money on behalf of someone else, a letter of authorisation from that person will be required.
Prize Money stated in the Schedule excludes GST. GST will be added to the Prize Money for Exhibitors who are registered for GST purposes. The Association will provide a “Recipient Created Tax Invoice” to Exhibitors who are registered for GST purposes.
ALL Prize Money NOT collected by 4pm 29th August will be returned to the Cairns Show Association funds!