Cairns Show

The 2024 Cairns Show will commence Wednesday 17th, Thursday 18th and Friday 19th of July at the Cairns Showgrounds.



Please visit our Show home page, or comprehensive Guide to the Show & FAQ’s prior to contacting the Show Association. 



To become a vendor/exhibitor at the Cairns Show, please review the information available here, and once ready, submit an online application.

Should you have any questions, please refer to the Exhibitor Manual, or contact sites@cairns-show.com.

Venue Hire at the Cairns Showgrounds

Experience the nostalgia and heritage of the Cairns Showgrounds for your next event. Venue Hire is subject to availability and it is recommended that you book well in advance. 

Click the button below to view the Venue Hire home page or place an application through the Cairns Showgrounds Venue Hire Form.



For the month of July due to the Annual Cairns Show!

Venue Hire is not available for the month of July to the Cairns Show. Furthermore, the Cairns Show Association will NOT attend to any Venue Hire Enquiries during this time. Your Enquiry will be attended to in the month of August. Please contact the Office if your Enquiry is urgent. We thank you for your patience as we prepare Australia’s Largest, Regional, Agricultural Show!


18th, 21st, Hens or Bucks Functions!

Due to insurance limitations, the Cairns Show Association CANNOT accommodate (under any circumstance) 18th or 21st birthday parties, as well as Hens or Bucks celebrations.


For Permanent / Short-Term Tenants

Unfortunately we are UNABLE to accommodate any other permanent or short-term tenants at this time.


Cairns Show Wine Awards

The Cairns Show Wine Awards is held in the De Jarlais Function Centre (Upstairs, Level 1) of the Cairns Showgrounds. 


2024 Dates

Judging: 19th – 21st June

Public Tasting: 22nd June from 3:00pm – 6:00pm


Visit the Cairns Show Wine Awards website for more information! 

Or click on the button below to view our information web page. 

Cairns Show Auto Spectacular

The 2024 Cairns Show will be held from Saturday 14th and Sunday 15th October. 


Click the button below to view the Auto Spec home page.

Camping at the Showgrounds – NOT permitted

Unfortunately, due to our lease conditions set by the Cairns Regional Council, Camping is NOT permitted in any circumstance at the Cairns Showgrounds.

Exceptions to this: if you are a part of the Showmen’s Guild of Australasia (valid ID card will need to be presented), or if you are associated with an Event held on the Grounds (must be approved by Show President, Committee and Office Staff). 

We apologise for the inconvenience – we would love to have you if we could!

Please direct all complaints to the Cairns Regional Council: CRC Complaint Forms 

Volunteering Opportunities

The core of every successful community event is the incredible contribution of our volunteers! We are asking our community to assist us again with the upcoming 2023 annual Cairns Show 19th – 21st July.
There are a variety of roles that assist us to prepare these sections for show time, and keep them running smoothly during the Show.
Some of these include:
🌻 Horticulture Stewards.
📸 Photography Stewards.
🎟 Pre-Show ticket sellers – Sell show tickets at our Earlville Shopping Town ticket booth.
🤯 Pre-Show helpers – helping to prepare rooms and displays prior to the Show
🤩 Stewards – responsible for keeping particular areas clean, secure and happy
🙌 Ushers – Escorting and directing exhibitors to the correct areas, etc.
👮‍♀️ Gate Guards – Manning entry gates to certain areas within the Showgrounds to ensure only authorised people are entering. Please Sign Up to become a Gate Guard Volunteer. 
👨‍🌾 Cleaners – Assistance with the clean up of cages, pens, etc. This is especially in areas where animals are kept. We want our animals happy! �
🕙 Time keepers – for races (such as Pole Climbing). Using stop watches, accurate data recording.
No experience is necessary for a lot of these positions – we would love to help you find where you will have the best time!
Positions are available from the start of July, with the busiest period being the week containing the show (17th – 19th July).
Simply complete a Volunteer Induction Form and return it to reception@cairns-show.com. 
If you would like to work as a Gate Guard Volunteer, please Sign Up
All volunteers receive a free one-day entry pass to the Cairns Show.
If you volunteer more than one day at the Cairns Show, you will receive an entry pass for each day you volunteer.
You are also welcome to enjoy the show once your volunteer duties finish.

Employment – NOT available

Unfortunately the Cairns Show Association does NOT offer Paid Work opportunities prior to, during, and after the Cairns Show. 


All food vendors, exhibitors, rides and stalls at the Cairns Show are privately owned and operated.

For Paid Work opportunities, you must contact the vendors directly. 


Rides, games and food stalls situated in the Sideshow Alley are operated under the Showmen’s Guild of Australasia.

To find Paid Work opportunities you must contact the Showmen’s Guild directly, or visit the Cairns Showgrounds the week prior to the Cairns Show and introduce yourself in person to the vendors around the grounds. 

The Showmen’s Guild regularly updates their Facebook page with any advertisements for Work opportunities.


You can also find Work opportunities posted on Facebook. 



The week prior to the Show is very busy at the Showgrounds.

If you are coming on to the grounds to find work, you must report to the Cairns Show Office prior to your arrival.

The Cairns Show Association does not take responsibility for any injury, theft or damage of property while you are on the grounds.

You must be cautious and careful AT ALL TIMES when visiting the Showgrounds prior to, during and after the Cairns Show!

Stabling – AVAILABLE at a minimal cost

We have dozens of stables available for short-term use throughout the year. Keep your animals safe from weather events – utilise our stables!
Please keep in mind that the majority of our stables are not suitable for smaller animals, and stable availability is subject to the events happening on the grounds.
Stabling will NOT be available for the month of July due to the Cairns Show.
Stabling will NOT be available after the Cairns Show for a period of 30 days for quarantine and biosecurity purposes. 
You MUST contact the Cairns Show Office prior to Stabling.



    Cairns Show Office

    Operating Hours

    Open: 8:30am – 5:00pm Monday to Friday

    Closed: Saturday and Sunday. 


    Phone: (07) 4042 6699

    Email: reception@cairns-show.com

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