Dear valued Member,
As 2023 comes to an end, the Cairns Show Association would like to extend a warm thank you for your continued support and contribution. Without our Members, we wouldn’t be able to hold our annual Cairns Show, Cairns Show Wine Awards, or Cairns Show Auto Spectacular events. We take this time to reflect on the year gone by with our Year in Review.
Year in Review Contents:
- Cairns Show: Review
- Cairns Show Wine Awards: Review
- Cairns Show Auto Spectacular: Review
- Cairns Showgrounds: Lease & Facility Improvements
- Cairns Show Association: Announcements, Special Mentions & Farewells
The Cairns Show Office will be closed from Monday 18th December 2023, and will reopen Tuesday 2nd January 2024 – Have a wonderful festive season!
Ian Allen – President, Cairns Show Association

Cairns Show
Connecting the City to the Country
The next Cairns Show will be held from the 17th – 19th July 2024!
Australia’s Largest, Regional, Agricultural Show, The Cairns Show, returned for it’s 118th year in 2023, with more smiles, improved attendance, and greater success.
Over the 3 days of the Cairns Show from 19th-21st July, we saw:
- Approximately 65,517 attendees.
- Estimated $30 million return to the Cairns and Far North Queensland Communities.
- Approximately 4500 entries across 32 competition sections. Congratulations to all prize winners, and thank you to all participants!
- Approximately 210 Exhibitors.
- The Ag-Venture: Taste of Paradise Farm was a State Finalist of the Best Innovation in a Local Event at the Queensland Ag Shows Awards.
- Feedback was positive, with comments on how well the Show was organised this year.
We extend our sincere gratitude to the dedicated Volunteers, Committee Members, and Staff who invested substantial effort and time to bring the Show to Cairns and its surrounding communities. Additionally, we express appreciation to our valued Sponsors, Partners, and Friends of the Show. Your financial support, in-kind services, and contributions of products were instrumental — our success is indebted to your crucial involvement.
Cairns Show Wine Awards
To examine wine quality and style in the context of a tropical location
The next Cairns Show Wine Awards will be held from the 19th – 22nd June 2024!
The 2023 Cairns Show Wine Awards celebrated their 31st year running. The Cairns Show Wine Awards focuses on examining wine quality and style in the context of a tropical location.
At the Awards we saw:
- Over 500 wines judged.
- Over 60 wineries entered. Including;
- 11 new wineries entered in the Awards.
- Significant increase of organic wines entered, a first for the Awards.
Congratulations to winner of the Des & Margaret Tong, Champion Wine in Show – Dorrien Estate Winery, Pinnacle Drinks, Cat Amongst the Pigeons, Barossa Grenache Shiraz Mataro 2022.

Cairns Show Auto Spectacular
Pure Motoring Entertainment
Dates for the next Auto Spectacular will be confirmed in 2024 – stay tuned!
The Cairns Show Auto Spectacular returned for its’ second year running since restrictions eased. Over the 2 days of the Auto Spec from 14th – 15th October, we saw:
- 120 Entrants competed in the Show & Shine, Go to Whoa, Motorkhana Time Trials, and DYNO.
- Approximately 4,000 spectators attended the two-day event.
- 115 trophies awarded to participants.
Congratulations to the winner of the Hunter Automotive Grand Champion Car of Show – Peter Sharpe, with his 1973 Holden HQ Monaro Coupe.
The Cairns Show Association would like to thank the Sponsors, Volunteers, External Parties, Entrants and Competitors, Public Attendees, Staff, Vendors, and Friends of the Event, who all contributed to the events success!
Cairns Showgrounds
Facility Improvements
Headrick Grandstand
- Holes in roof repaired, flooring replaced where required, cement steps repaired and painted.
Permanent Buildings
- Cook Island Diner: roof replaced, ceiling repaired.
- Golden Fleece Stall: replaced louvre windows, seal gaps in block work, and painted external walls.
- Nerada Tea Stall: replaced servery bench, removed and replaced back door with permanent fixture, repaired concrete floor, seal and paint.
- Island Food Stall: re-nail ceiling and seal gaps, patched broken laminex benches and tiles.
Blackies Toilets
- Roof screwed down, shower stalls – tiled, new towel/clothe hooks, new basins and mirrors installed, new seats and cisterns installed, block work repaired, sanded and repainted, all doors repaired, sanded, painted and fitted with privacy locks, flooring levelled and painted, building painted internally and externally, LED lighting fitted, caravan behind the block has been removed with the bearers, supports and roof replaced.
Ticket Boxes
- Portable: flooring repaired, painted internally and externally, roofing iron replaced, steel applied to the base to stabilise the box and stop it from flexing whilst being lifted by the forklift.
- Quigley Street: area behind the ticket box paved.
- Scott Street: inside of wall painted grey colour.
- Side Show Alley Area: All steel around power boards painted hazard yellow along with the taps.
- De Jarlais: kitchen floor tiled area repaired where required, ceiling panels replaced, floor coverings replaced, remove and replace damaged column and footing.
- Poultry Pavilions: remove and replace shelving.
Camping Grounds
- Toilets: internal repaint of men’s amenity block, replaced locking handles on all power boxes, installed replacement light and pole to area opposite small BMX pedestrian gate,
- Bridge to camping grounds: cleaned down and painted.
Stables / Yards
- Dairy Stalls, Mohammed Stables, Andersen Stables: all painted internally and externally. All steelwork rustproofed and painted silver.
- Prime Beef Cattle Yards: remove gates where required.
20 Year Lease Offered to Cairns Show Association
- The Cairns Show Association has been offered a 20-year lease at the Cairns Showgrounds.
- The Cairns Regional Council endorsed tenure agreements with six community organisations at the Showgrounds and Barlow Park reserve on Wednesday 25th October 2023.
- As anchor tenant of the future Major Events Precinct, a trustee lease renewal of 20 years will be offered to the Cairns Agricultural Pastoral and Mining Association (Cairns Show Association).
- The term will provide the Cairns Show Association with sufficient tenure to secure grant funding to maintain and upgrade facilities.
Cairns Show Association
Announcing the 2024 CSA Committee
Congratulations to the following people appointed on the 2024 Cairns Show Association Committee:
Carol Allen, Ian Allen, Margrit Allen, Janice Anderson, Bevan Clayton, Michael Fischer, Belinda Flynn, David Green, Linda Halliwell, Kent Hams, Heidi Healy, Dean Hoult, Amanda Hunter, Glen Hunter, Ley James, Nathan Lee Long, Glenda McAuliffe, Warren March, Ian Moller-Nielsen, Malcom O’Hara, Robert O’Malley, Michael Pattini, Narelle Phipps, Leslie Plath, Daniel Sale, Bill Smith, Christine Stoddart, Robert Stoddart, Desmond Tong, Michael Tonion, Louis Underwood, Chris Van Dorssen.
With special mention to Bryan Poppet, who has stepped down from his role. We appreciate your long-service, and devotion to the Association.
Congratulations to Ian Allen, on his appointment as the President of the Cairns Show Association.
Thank you to our esteemed guests who attended and participated in the Annual General Meeting held on the 24th November 2023.
Saying Farewell to the 2023 Ambassadors
To our 2023 Cairns Show Ambassadors, thank you for your passion and commitment.
Join us in wishing Alannah Giuffrida (Showgirl), Heidi Healy (Rural Ambassador), and Maeve Lowe (Young Rural Ambassador) farewell and good luck in their future endeavors!
Applications for the 2024 Cairns Showgirl, Rural Ambassador, and Young Rural Ambassador will open early next year. An announcement will be made in the Edition #1 – 2024 Newsletter, on our social media, and on our website. If you would like to register your interest now, please contact [email protected].
Be sure to follow the @cairnsshowambassadors on Instagram!
Special Mentions to Friends of the Show
- Join us in thanking Neville (Gundy) Kindelan for his long-service to the Cairns Show! Gundy has stepped down from his position as Dairy Cattle Chief Steward. We thank him for his incredible devotion and contributions.
- We would also like to thank Phil Dempster for his long-service to the Cairns Show Wine Awards! Phil has stepped down from his position as Chief Steward. We thank Phil for his passion and extensive knowledge.
- Congratulations to Catherine English in her appointment as the NQ Sub Chamber Secretary, we look forward to working closely with Catherine in the coming year.
- A special mention to Wayne Shepherd for his contribution to the Equestrian High Jump at the Cairns Show!
- We would also like to thank Warren Giffin and Tully High School for entering the Cattle section at the Cairns Show for more than 20 years! We have enjoyed seeing Tully High compete.
CSA Membership
Enjoy exclusive member discounts, benefits and deals!
Gain access to exclusive member discounts, benefits, and deals! Experience the full advantages of Cairns Show, Cairns Show Wine Awards, and Cairns Show Auto Spectacular by becoming a member or renewing your Membership. Unlock these benefits solely as a member of the Cairns Show Association.
Membership Applications will be open from January 2024, and will close Friday 12th July 2024!